Mapping Transfeminicide

It’s strange that I couldn’t find any Wikipedia either for Transfeminicide or Transphobic Femicide. I also couldn’t find the definition of this term on Merriam-Webster. I guess this word based on the term “Femicide” which according to Merriam-Webster refers to the gender-based murder of a woman or girl by a man and first known used in 1976. So, transfeminicide could also means anti-trans violence, especially against transgender women. 

I first encountered to this topic few years ago when I started to take a Voguing class in Berlin. My dance teacher recommended us to watch the movie Paris is Burning, a tragic documentary film about the ball culture in New York city mostly for Afro-American, Latino gay, transgender community. I guess, we knew that transgender as a minority mostly experience discrimination in the society, probably it’s also because how they’ve been represented in the media. Another documenter film on Netflix, Disclosure, follows in-depth look at Hollywood’s depiction transgender people and the impact of their stories on transgender lives and American culture.

For our Unit 2 class with Llwelyn, we could chose a topic to build our own project in p5.js. I knew that I wanted to do a project about gender issue so I started to search for the data set and found an interesting data on Kaggle with the hashtag Queer Women Violence and more specifically transfeminicides. From this dataset, I started to set up the plan of how I wanted to show the data using P5.

The dataset from Kaggle.

I was aware that javascript is not my expertise yet and I still find difficulties to code, so I didn’t want to set a high expectation but just wanted to learn of how I could manage a project from scratch. Since there’s an information about Latitude and Longitude in the dataset, I knew that I am gonna create a project based on maps.

One of my inspiration is Queering The Map website. Because there’s an information about cause of death, so I aimed to include this information and put it in the category. This approach reminds me of my previous project for the Unit 01 to show Black Lives Matter victims.

Queering the Map as my inspiration.
Visual reference for the tone and mood.

I found so many obstacles during the project especially to understand using the function. Realising my limitation, I contacted the digital space at LCC to ask a help from Edmund. He helped me to solve some problems that I encountered. After I compared how different the approach that Llwelyn and Edmund took, I came to realised that we can code with different ways and end up with the same result. However one way could be more efficient than the others.

There are so many categories in the dataset with up to 3 death causes for each victims, so I categorised it by shape and colours. To be honest, I didn’t focus on this because my aim is to focus more on the coding side rather than spending too much time thinking about the dataset.

My initial sketch for the prototype using adobe illustrator.
The massive legend.
The process to map the point where the violence happened.
One of examples of the problem, that the label appeared behind the maps and shapes.
This is how my project currently looks.
You can find the code here.

We spent few weeks to finish this project, however I didn’t feel that I dedicate my time too much in this project because it was also during the weeks of our first assessment for Unit 01. I realise that my code is not efficient enough because I wrote all the shapes and colours one by one. I’ve asked Llwelyn and Edmund about this but it seemed that we should spend more time to crack this issue. Regarding the dataset, I also questioned if all data represents transfeminicides because I found some causes related to Covid-19. I am sure this data also doesn’t represent all victims around the world because it shows more victims in the US and very little in Africa, for example.

I also think that my code still has some missing points and still far from perfect. I was thinking to generate it with creative coding for the finishing but this would take more time. So at the moment, I feel all right to just be able to do a coding project from scratch which I couldn’t imagine when I first started learning P5.

Maps on P5

I found mapping on P5 is interesting because I use Google Maps a lot and it’s interesting to know how people build the mapping. This app is so easy to use but in reality, behind that useful app it requires such a complicated coding. Even during the class, I wanted to just mapping my holiday route with my family and it was confusing in the beginning. I created a simple holiday route from London to Brighton, Oxford and last stop was Edinburgh. That was a memorable holiday, the very last holiday with my family before my mom passed away.

The map’s look is quite basic but I am just happy to manage the task, which is just to navigate the route. You can check the code here.

Last family holiday’s route.

Another task was to trace a location using Geo Json. I wanted to trace Indonesia, but first I failed because I guess I downloaded a bad Geo Json file. But after I found an other source, it worked! You can check the code here.

Tracing my country. We have more than 13.000 islands!

Overall, the look is not that interesting and not beautiful at all, but this knowledge is so useful as a based to develop another map’s project. Even the basic look also requires a complexity. So, I won’t underestimate it.

Music on P5

I always trigger to do something with music but never had a chance beside created a piece of demo on garage band long time ago. I just love everything about music and music history! During the p5 class with Llewelyn, we learned how to incorporate music with graphic so it can be interactive. I still created something basic but I am curious to dig more about this topic!

Not a big fan of Andy Warhol, but the history of the factory, the Velvet Underground and those era have fascinated me since I was really young. So, inspired by the the famous piece of his artwork, Flowers (1964), I re-created a flower that responds to the music. The text is based on Warhol’s quote as well.

The original “Flowers” by Andy Warhol.
My remake on P5.js.

You can visit my sketch to play it. It’s fun!

Learning a New Language?

Every time I heard about the word “coding”, I always thought that it’s definitely not my thing because it’s full of numbers and just too complicated. However I always admire people who create creative coding. My feeling was mixed when we first learned P5! Even though we started from the basic but I still found it’s hard to adjust my brain in this programming language. I am still trying to understand this Java Script language but I am optimistic that everyone could do it if there’s a will. Learning a new language is always a challenge, like when I learned german. It was full of tears but now I am comfortable with it. I hope I am gonna achieve that in P5 as well.

After the class, I tried to learn from various sources. I managed to create some visuals and it made me happy to combine graphic design and colours with coding!

This visual I developed from the class with Llwelyn last Friday
This one I learned from creative coding class with Ed from tech lab.

You can check out how it works here: first image, second image and third image.