Plastic Pollution Data

At Unit 2 with Tiz, we learned about creating a data story and a visual from dataset. This class has given me knowledge about many data practices as well as theories to create a good infographic. We explored this task with a dataset about plastic pollution that we could choose by our personal choice to develop further. I chose the dataset about global waste generation and management in many different countries because I thought this is interesting also to see how my country or Germany, where i used to live, generate their waste. The data are also from the same year, 2010, which made me think it more makes sense to compare it in one graph. So I am gonna explain about my process.

Created a mood board as our guideline to get the visual that we want to achieve.
This helped me a lot as an inspiration for my graph’s shape and later I adopted the colour from the sea urchins.
Later on, I gathered some infographics references and made my sketch.
From these datasets, I categorised countries of continents because there are many of them. I also added more data about GDP per capita to highlight high-income countries.
I generated the datasets on Raw Graph. All of them are Circle Packing!
I found many challenges during the process related to design and how to show the data correctly.

And this is my outcome. This graph depicts the plastic waste management of each country clustered by continent. And shows the plastic pollution impact in the oceans.

This is the feedback from Henrietta: “Lots of information here, one to sit down with for a while, but the density of the text is balanced well with the clear comparison between the continents in the main visual component. Not sure about the circles around the title and line length at the bottom is very long! You seem to have a real affinity with organic shapes – which you seem to be naturally (no pun intended) drawn to. It would be interesting to see you reflect on this perhaps in your writing for Unit 1, does it reflect an interest in the ‘people behind the numbers’ (Lupi. 2017) perhaps.”

I agree with her comments and also I think that I put too much information here as annotations. I would love to practice more as this one was my first infographic so there are so much things that I still need to learn.

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